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INTRO.SI is an Interleaf file that contains multiple Smacker video streams, all meant for Lego Island's in-game cinematics. It is one of the files that the game attempts to load on start-up; if this fails, the game does not proceed until the space bar is pressed, when it attempts to load INFOMAIN.SI, which contains many of the information center's files. If this fails as well, the game softlocks.


INTRO.SI contains six Smacker videos in total, with accompanying Microsoft WAV audio streams playing alongside them. Specifically, the videos include the Lego and Mindscape logos, the intro cutscene, an unused outro cutscene, and the good and bad endings.

In the Japanese version of the game, the JustSystems logo is bundled in the same stream as the MindScape logo, leaving the overall structure of the Interleaf file itself unchanged.