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Revision as of 14:07, 18 April 2019 by MattKC (talk | contribs)
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MxCh is the identifier for a Lego Island data chunk. They are seen extensively in SI Files to allow interleaving of several different data types.

MxCh chunks contain partial data of various different data types intended to be joined together continuously to form a complete file (an MxDa section). The chunks can also contain solely header data. A chunk will almost never contain a complete file on its own.


NOTE: This information is incomplete and requires more research and information.

The MxCh header is 22 bytes long and specifies the length of the chunk with other data.

Bytes Offset Description
"MxCh" 0 4-byte chunk identifier
Chunk Size 4 4-byte integer specifying the size of this chunk minus the first 8 bytes
Unknown 8 Unknown data
Data 22 Arbitrary data no more than "Chunk Size" in bytes