Technical Information
Music is stored in Lego Island SI files. SI files are derivatives of the Resource Interchange File Format best known as the basis of AVI and WAV files.
All music appears to be 11025Hz Mono Signed 16-bit.
Music appears to begin with a MxDa
and is split into chunks of MxCh
. The MxDa
header contains information about the PCM audio in the MxCh
MxDa Header Specification
Bytes | Offset | Description |
MxDa |
0 | Identifier |
MxCh |
4 | Chunk Header |
Audio Format | 26 | 2-byte Integer (Little Endian) - 1 = PCM, others indicate some form of compression |
Number of Channels | 28 | 2-byte Integer (Little Endian) - 1 = Mono, 2 = Stereo |
Sample Rate | 30 | 4-byte Integer (Little Endian) |
Byte Rate | 34 | 4-byte Integer (Little Endian) Is equal to Sample Rate * Number of Channels * BitsPerSample/8
Bytes per Sample | 36 | 2-byte Integer (Little Endian) - is equal to Number of Channels * BitsPerSample/8
Bits per Sample per Channel | 38 | 2-byte Integer (Little Endian) - 8 = 8-bits, 16 = 16-bits, etc. |